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11th Bipartite Settlement - Outcome of 30-07-2018 meeting

On 30th July, 2018 talks regarding 11th Bipartite Settlement were held between IBA and UFBU at IBA office, Mumbai at 11.30 am.

After the full Negotiating Committee Meeting on 5th May, 2018, when IBA made an offer for 2% hike on Pay Slip, Negotiating Committee met for first time after almost three months' gap.

IBA Chairman made an offer for 6% hike on salary slip. The offer was declined by UFBU as it did not satisfy our expectations.

Other Points Discussed :-

1. We wanted salary negotiations to be held upto G.M. level as was practice during earlier settlements. But IBA firmly declined this demand. Negotiations to be held only upto Scale III.

2. Last sub-committee meeting on Medical Insurance Scheme was held on 16.05.2018. Today on behalf of Insurance Co.’s; IBA proposed hike in annual premiums as under :--

In Service Employees : 30% hike in premium is proposed.

For Retired Employees : with Domiciliary Treatment Policy hike of 144% is proposed The hike for without Domiciliary Treatment is proposed at 110%.

3. During 10th Bipartite 2nd & 4th Saturdays were declared as Holidays. UFBU demanded that all Saturdays and Sundays should be Holidays. IBA promised to come back after discussing the issue with stake holders.

4. About demand of increase in Family Pension, IBA asked us to give our logic and calculations in writing.

5. For having necessary infrastructure to deal with Medical Insurance Co.’s, next meeting between IBA and UFBU is scheduled on 8th August 2018.

6. After proposed hike in Medical Insurance Premiums, Banks are requested to deliver letters accepting continuation with present scheme. They have an option to go back on old Medical Bill Reimbursement Scheme of their own. For this purpose meeting between BANKS and IBA is fixed on 4th August 2018.

7. Legal Cases of Frauds in which Bank officials and lower level personnel is subjected to Police/CBI enquiries and actions, are to be decided by respective Bank Managements and their Boards. IBA asked Unions to take up this issue with respective Bank Boards.

8. Next round of talks on 11th Bipartite may tentatively be held on 27th/28th August 2018. Before that Medical Insurance Sub-Committee will meet on 8th August 2018.

9. On 18th August 2018 separate sub-committees for Workmen and Officers will meet separately.

Let us hope for better on 27/28th August 2018, during next round.

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