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AIRRBEA Circular - 2 days Strike on 11 & 12 December 2017 may be deferred

AIRRBEA/Circular No. 2/Date: - 28.11.2017

To The Units / State Federations/ CC Members/ Office Bearers

Dear Comrade,

Sub: - UFBU decides in its meeting held on 13.11.2017 at Mumbai, to extend support to the demands and agitation of RRB staff - calls upon its leaders to participate in our demonstrations and writing letter to Finance Minister, GOI from UFBU and its constituents.

Ref: - UFBU Circular No. UFBU/ 2017-23 dated 28.11.2017.

You may be aware that UFRRBU decided to observe Dharna at New Delhi on 30.11.2017 and to observe 2 days Strike on 11 & 12 December 2017 and we issued our circulars accordingly. But in view of deferment of winter session of the Parliament, the Dharna proposed on 30.11.2017 at New Delhi has already been postponed. And proposed strike dates (11 & 12 December 2017) may also be deferred due to the same reason.

Now, We heartily welcome the decision of the UFBU taken at the meeting held on 13.11.2017, as conveyed vide UFBU circular dated 28.11.2017 referred above, and extend our thanks and also we express our gratitude to the leaders of the UFBU and its constituents for their support.

While we reproduce the above Circular of the UFBU for your information, it may be noted that the strike dates may be changed and naturally date of supporting programmes of the UFBU may get changed.

So, in view of the decision of the UFRRBU for 2 days strike on 11 -12 December 2017, supporting programme of the UFBU for the proposed strike days, and also in view of the expected meeting at the call of CLC (C) for conciliation, we have to take appropriate decision of the 2 days strike stated above very shortly.

We shall advise you further as to be decided shortly in consultation with the leadership of UFRRBU and write to UFBU for their solidarity.

With greetings

Comradely yours S Venkateshwar Reddy (Secretary General)


(For Reference)

UFBU CIRCULAR No. UFBU/2017/23/Dated:- 28.11.2017


Dear Comrades,


UFBU meeting was held in Mumbai in AIBEA Office on 13-11-2017. Com.K.K. Nair, Chairman of UFBU presided over the meeting.

1. Increasing attacks on banking sector: The meeting conveyed its appreciation to all units and members for the massive participation in the Morcha to Parliament programme on 15-9-2017. The meeting noted that Government is planning to further go ahead with their banking reform measures and hence decided that our campaign and struggle should be continued and intensified. While reiterating the decision to launch strike actions if the Government would take any adverse decisions, the meeting decided that State-level campaign should be undertaken to explain all these attacks to our grass-root level members and also to the general public. It was also decided to undertake mass signature campaign for submitting the Petition to Speaker of the Lok Sabha. Details of this programme along with the copy of the Petition will be sent to units shortly.

2. Wage Revision: The meeting took note of the details of the discussions held so far by the IBA with the Workman Unions/Officers Associations. The meeting noted that while some rounds of discussions have taken place on non-financial demands, the IBA was yet to come out to make their initial offer although it is six months since the formal negotiations have begun. Hence it was decided to take up the matter with IBA to immediately hold the meeting of the Negotiating Committee and to make their offer. It was also decided that UFBU representatives shall meet the top management of the Banks who have given restricted mandate for officers to the IBA.

3. Extend support to Two Days Strike in Regional Rural Banks: United Forum of RRB Unions has given a call for two days strike on 11th and 12th December, 2017 on their demands like opposition to privatization of RRBs, extension of PF-Pension Parity for RRB employees and officers, compassionate ground appointments, parity in service conditions at par with sponsor banks, etc. It was decided to extend our support to their strike and their demands as follows:

i. UFBU to address a letter to Finance Minister

ii. Constituent unions to address letter to Finance Minister

iii. Our members to participate in their demonstrations on 11th and 12th December on the strike days

4. Support to AIBEA-AIBOA Strike on 27th December, 2017: The meeting decided to extendfraternal support to the call given by AIBEA and AIBOA for All India Strike on 27th December, 2017 demandingimmediate wage revision for IDBI Bank employees and officers.

With greetings,

Yours comradely,


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