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AIRRBEA Circular - 2 days’ Strike proposed in RRB sector on 11 -12 December 2017 deferred by UFRRBU

AIRRBEA/Circular No. 3/ Date: - 08.12.2017

To The Units / State Federations/ CC Members/ Office Bearers

Dear Comrade,

Sub: - 2 days’ Strike proposed in RRB sector on 11 -12 December 2017 deferred by UFRRBU in terms of the conciliation held between the RLC (c), New Delhi, Parliament Street (Jeevan Deep Building, 4th Floor) and the constituents of UFRRBU, held on 7th December 2017 at New Delhi.

We enclose / refer the following documents for your information and record –

1. Our Circular No. 362 dated 15.11.2017 with mention of UFRRBU decision dated 25.09.2017 to go on 2 days’ strike, and enclosing the text of strike notice dated 11.11.2017 signed by all constituents of UFRRBU. 2. GOI letter dated 30.11.2017 to all RRBs advising them to ensure smooth running of RRB Business on strike days on one hand and amongst others, other measures including soft threatening to apply “No Work No Pay”, on the other. 3. DY. CLC (c), Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi – 110001 notice vide no. ND. 8 (42) 2017 – RLC dated 30.11.2017 to the Secretary, DFS, MOF, GOI, Chairman, NABARD / all RRBs / UFRRBU for conciliation meeting to be held on 07.11.2017. 4. Copy of conciliation proceeding dated 07.12.2017 with enclosure (Attendance Sheet). 5. Text of UFRRBU Circular No. 17/47 dated 08.12.2017.

6. GOI, MOF, DFS letter (Office Memorandum) dated 06.12.2017 placed by the Deputy Director, DFS in the conciliation meeting held on 07.12.2017 addressed to the DY. CLC (c), Jeevan Deep Building, 4th Floor, Parliament street, New Delhi, indicating the status of all 7 point demands.

From our side, NFRRBO & NFRRBE were represented by Com Abdul Sayeed Khan, and Com Shiv Karan Dwivedi respectively.

As indicated in the proceedings there was a very long discussion on all the 7 point demands including Pension Parity, against privatization, Compassionate Appointment Scheme, Computer Increment, Parity of Service Regularization/ Other Allowances / Benefits/ Promotion Rules, Regularization of Daily Waged / Casual Workers, and also the demand of IBA to be the negotiating forum for the RRBs.

It will be clear that the statements made by the DFS in their OM dated 06.12.2017 are quite evasive, and nothing concrete has been stated though a considerable time has passed.

The RLC (c) also expressed his dissatisfaction over the manner in which the long pending demands are being handled, and wanted the unions to have patience, because he wants to refer the matters to the Secretary, DFS, MOF, GOI for early action to settle the disputes, and so the learned RLC (C) requested the unions to at least defer the strike for the present, and till a meeting takes place between the Secretary, DFS and the unions at an early date.

The next date of conciliation / hearing has been fixed on 15.02.2018 at 12.00 Noon in his office.

At this stage the UFRRU constituents agreed to defer the strike.

We have discussed the matter with other constituents of the UFRRBU to arrange an early date for holding the UFRRBU Meeting to review the developments, and also to adopt the future course of action, including demonstrative programmes like badge wearing, gate demonstration, Rallies, Seminars / Conventions, contact with peoples representatives from say mid January 2018, and strike for higher number of days by end of March 2018.

Further developments will be intimated in due course.

With greetings

Comradely yours

S Venkateswar Reddy Secretary General (AIRRBEA)

Abdul Sayeed khan

General Secretary (NFRRBO)

Shiv Karan Dwivedi

General Secretary (NFRRBE)

Click here to read circular with enclosures.

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