There are so many speculations and roomers are spreading on the stand taken by Pensioners Samithy on 10-03-2017 in Supreme Court of India. In this circumstances We are reproducing Pensioners samithys letter in this regard to avoid confusions of Our Viewers.
Our senior advocate on record in Supreme court who have to be appear on 10th march was urgently summoned on 9th to appear in a Sentence to Death(capital punishment) case at Mumbai on 10th march. Considering a question of life of a person He suggested to engage another advocate or to seek adjournment . We know very well that a new advocate could not plead even could not study in a very short period to this type of a case of great importance thereby we had no other option to seek a short adjournment. If we opt to abstain or to engage another unacquainted advocate than we might loose the case forever and you people hold responsible for that to the pensioners samiti. But Other so called roomer spreading organisations were free to plead the case through their advocates or to oppose our adjournment application but they have done nothing because actually they are only reporters and not playing their role honestly. All of you remember that in the past these unions had taken a very long time adjournment on a flimsy ground of not received copy of affidavit filed by Govt. Now our case is tentatively listed for 31st march and our preparedness is in full swing. We hope With your good wishes and restless efforts ultimately we will win the case. Be aware with false propaganda and have faith in your colleagues who are devoted to this Nobel cause only. "
Sk Pareek and N L yogi
(for Pensioners Samiti)